Sunday, January 9, 2011

Installing end-stops

The end stops didn't come with the kit but they seem like handy little things so I ordered 6. However, unlike the main boards, these need to be soldered together. The four for the X and Z end stops are pretty straightforward. Just solder them together & connect them to the stepper motor boards with pre-made Ethernet cords. When mounting to the side walls, I found they mounted straighter if I used some tiny rubber washers as spacers since the back of the boards were a little lumpy due to my lack of soldering skill. So, mount them to the walls of the bot & run Ethernet wires to the stepper boards. Each end-stop is for a specific side rather than stopping movement entirely. So, experimenting will quickly show which end stop goes where.

The two end stops for the "Y" stage are much more interesting. Due to size constraints, the "Y" stops don't use RJ45 connectors. Instead, the instructions say to connect the alternate 3-pin connector in the end stop kit. The Wiki even shows the nice photo on the left which shows what wires go where. The first problem I found was that none of my end stop kits came with the nice blue connectors featured in the photos nor the male connectors either! So, I had to make my own. First, I soldered on connector pins I had left over from a previous project. For female connectors, I again look to my junk drawer. Fortunately, I have a pair of 3-pin connectors that are normally used to connect an old style IDE CD drive to a PC motherboard. Yipee! They fit good enough.

So, the problem seems solved. However, just as I was going to connect the other end of the wire to an Ethernet male connector, I decided to double check the Ethernet colors. After all, there are two types of Ethernet cables (type A and type B). My worst fear is confirmed. Inspecting the colors shows that green isn't always green!

So, checking the rep-rap site & inspecting the board suggests that for my T-568B type cable, it will be fine if connect my type-B Ethernet cord using the color order as the Makerbot Wiki photo suggests. (If I was using a "T-568A" cable, the green would be orange) As for the orientation of my connector (up or down), Looking at the board circuit & comparing it to the end stop schematic on the rep-rap site, it looks like Brown is ground. This then tells me to make sure my connector is plugged in so brown traces out to ground on the end stop board. Fortunately, the ground is noted on each end stop board.

The yellow arrows show the end stops installed. As for neatly running wires along the Y stage, bent paperclips come to the rescue again! Here, you can see how 3 hold the wire with the help of some X-stage bolts, then join the Y-stage stepper motor wires which go out the side. I experimented with wire-wrapping everything in a big bundle but found that the wires look less likely to jam if they are just left loose.

The Y and X stage provide slots for end stop triggers. I read that some people use Popsicle sticks for triggers. So, after a quick Popsicle eating orgy, I gathered enough sticks for the task. Here, you can see that i had to extend the X stage sticks (note hex nuts) and cut down the Y stage sticks. The Z-stage doesn't have ready made slots for installing end stop triggers. I'm thinking the bot could probably fabricate some glue-on "L" brackets at a later time. Meanwhile, the Z-stage works fine without them. Also, the little white squares on the Y stage are just spacers that I'm using to level the platform.